This is another chapter all about me, with more great research by Geoff where I learn more stuff.

This unassuming ring of Creosote, just a short drive from where I grew up, may be the oldest continuously living plant in the world. I had little respect for the age of creosote plants, as I regularly cut off branches to roast marshmallows when we were camping out on the desert.

The band director at my high school became the band director at my college in Riverside. The RCC Marching Tigers were dubbed “Hollywood’s Band” for appearing in dozens of movies, music videos and commercials. Above is from the opening of the 1997 Austin Powers – International Man of Mystery with our band in the background.
This is Geoff writing. In the previous chapter Belle snuck in a bunch of pics of me, not always ones I would have chosen or even thought anyone needed to see. Well, revenge is a dish best served in Kodachrome (a dated reference, but these are old pictures). While she may not like her pictures from the past (she is blonde now, and to me, even more beautiful), I love them, and we’ll start with one of my favorites.

There’s my sweetie using one of Jay Scott Berry’s flame gimmicks.

Belle doing close-up magic in a country club where she was the house magician.

Belle at around 18 juggling on the beach.

Belle performing her kid show for an audience of all adults. She showed up to do the show to find the house filled with friends there to celebrate her birthday. We made her do the full show.

Truth is, I love every single picture of her.