We were involved with a group of young talented animators and artists, little knowing how many of them would rocket to fame and major success.

Eric Daniels was already an accomplished Disney animator when we knew him. He is still with Disney at a much higher level and now has many awards under his belt including an Academy Award.

We knew Bradley Schenck as a young graphic designer for video games who did Celtic art. Now he writes and illustrates his own science fiction novels.

We were shocked to hear of the early death of Rusty Mills. Everyone loved him. He earned a boatload of Emmys and went on to direct my favorite cartoon. I do kid shows. Of course I love cartoons.

Greg Rostami is one of the few from the Amiga days that we have continued to stay in regular touch with. He is an innovative magician with a number of clever effects on the market. He also continues to work with computers and video and graphic design.

Artist Jim Sachs in a screengrab from a 1996 documentary on the Amiga years (titled The Amiga Years) by Nicola and Anthony Caufield. He was the best pixel artist of his time, a critical skill for designing video game graphics.

Tony Alderson is another artist we lost way too early. He was a leading pioneer in 3D stereoscopy, and the first person to have a stereoscopic image on their tombstone. We include it above, but you have to know how to freeview to fully appreciate it.