It has been incredibly busy at work the last few months and I have had lots of shows. Then here in Los Angeles we got hit with the tripledemic (Covid, flu, RSV). The result of that is that I did far fewer shows this Christmas season, and decided to just take it at a slower pace this year. Normally I would be quite sad with fewer shows, but having a chance to catch my breath over Christmas is beginning to sound pretty good. My husband just finished writing the novel he started when Covid hit. He also wrote two non-fiction books during Covid. I think we are both ready for a little break, and a trip up to the snow.
One convention my husband and I did together as Santa and Mrs. Claus in early December was quite fun. It was for bulldog aficionados, so basically, we just sat there and held bulldogs while our pictures were taken. It was a blast! All the dogs were so adorable (in their own bull-doggy way). We also posed with two hairless cats from two separate families. They were extremely mellow and softer than a baby’s bottom to pet. We were there in the booth for the Exotic Frenchie Gang. They were all in a great mood, and not just because of hanging with Santa. They cleaned up at the dog show.
We just had our annual Christmas party for the Women Magicians Association of the Magic Castle. I feel so grateful to be able to hang out with these smart and talented women that share my love of magic. It was potluck, but we have some professional caterer quality cooks in our group, so the food was great. There was singing and conversation and white elephants. We all had a great time!
January will be a time for developing new material, refurbishing props that have seen a lot of work, and working on lining out promotional campaigns.