This blog entry will be a little sadly self-indulgent. I just lost my dear cat Leeloo to cancer. This on the heels of losing my father-in-law. She lasted less than a month after we got her diagnosed. It was very aggressive, but she was in good spirits right up to the end. This is not the happiest of times, so please indulge me as I present a small tribute to a good friend.
We were going to get a kitten, but this adult cat was so excited to see us. We learned that it was her last day at the pound. She was a little bitey, but it was just her way of showing affection. We knew we could easily train her out of it and we did. Still, they were hesitant to let us adopt her, but we talked them into it. She turned out to be a great and affectionate companion. I already miss her horribly.
Me and Leeloo sleeping
She did love to sleep with me