(Photo) I wind up in a Chanukah car parade
Much to my surprise, November has been incredibly busy. In the past it has tended to be a slower month for magic shows. Since September, I have only had one weekend off (and boy did I need it!) A last minute show came in but I turned it down. I just needed some time to rest and recover a little. Then it was right back to the fun and frantic pace. We are not even into December when things get really busy!
The shows I have been doing have been way fun. I did a show at Exposition Park. It was originally created in 1872 as an agricultural park. It was renamed Exposition Park in 1913, and they added the California Museum of Science and Industry, National Armory, National History Museum and the Sunken Garden (which in 1928 was renamed the Rose Garden). Great museums, great park, but I only had time to do my show and did not get to see anything else while I was there. The event was Alive Together, focusing on suicide prevention. It was put on by Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services. Didi passed away in 1974, but her legacy of advocacy and helping people in their most desperate times continues. They are a great organization.
I got to do a Bollywood wedding. It was not actually that, but if you have seen Bollywood movie weddings, this was like that, but without the elephants. On the wedding coordinator’s schedule (one of 3 coordinators there that night) one item directed the bridesmaids to gather the participants for the flash mob. The bride and groom wore elaborate attire, and were sweet and funny. I love weddings and this one was a blast.
Another fun event was entertaining for Chabad Sherman Oaks. It marked the start of Chanukah, and the festivities began at the Emek Hebrew Academy. This was followed by a Menorah parade, which I did not expect to be a part of. They handed me a magnetic sign to put on the side of my car and off I went with the parade. It was nice to be with a big group of cars escorted by the police without it being something tragic. We wound up at the Westfield Fashion Square Mall, with a big event on the parking lot roof of the mall, where the Menorah was lit. Everyone drove through this big Menorah arch.
I did a show in San Marino, which is a very upscale part of town. It was where they shot the exteriors for the fabulous house in Father of the Bride with Steve Martin. This was an after Thanksgiving family party, and a beautiful catered affair. I had to get gas on the way out and the gas station was full service, meaning they pumped the gas for you. I knew I was in San Marino.
There were the usual children’s birthday parties that I so enjoy. One party was for a four year old, and I know many magicians do not like to do shows for children that young, but I love it. The theme was Paw Patrol, which is very popular this year. Most of parties had themes, and I think it is more fun when they do. I often have magic to go along with the theme, and specific face painting.
A good example of theme specific face painting was the Chabad event. I had to spend time practicing painting driedels. I had not done them before, and painting an object in perspective on what is essentially a curved canvas can be a challenge. I have a rubber head that I can practice on, which keeps me from having to try my husband’s patience if I were to practice on him. Below is what I was roughing out in an early version as I was working out the design and waiting for approval from my cat Leeloo. The design has to be up to her high standards.
I am very excited about one of my Christmas presents. Originally, it was going to be a 3D printer, but what I wound up with (and yes, I got it early) was so much more. It is what is known as a 3 in 1. It is a 3D printer, but it is also a CNC wood carving machine, and a laser etcher. I just got it assembled and can’t wait to actually start using it. As a maker and creator of original magic effects, this is exactly what I need!