I am finally catching my breath. This was my busiest holiday season ever, and I recently made a decision that changed my life dramatically for the better. Between regular shows and shows as Mrs. Claus and shows with the both of us (Geoff as Santa Claus) we were just constantly on the go. On the downside, working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day did make it feel a little like we never got an actual Christmas for the two of us. Still, it was great fun spreading Christmas cheer.

in the Jockey Club at the Santa Anita Race Track.
I thought things would slow down in January, as they usually do, but even January was busy. That was a good thing, as I recently took a big leap of faith. I did have a side job to help pay the bills, and more importantly, for the health insurance. It was miserable there, where they had a culture based on the Mean Girls movies. I took that as a sign that I needed to get out of there and focus on my magic. The endless stress made it difficult to be creative and happy. So, I quit. I immediately felt so much better. I did not fully realize how much of my spirit that job was sucking away.

I am doing some temporary work as a Talent Wrangler, but most of my energy is now focused on magic. I continue to work on the Love Act, I have some really cool new close-up magic effects I am developing, I have a secret and very fun writing project I am literally not allowed to talk about yet, I am developing a new school show concept I am very excited about, and there are several other show concepts in development. This time of year tends to be a little slower, so I can focus on booking, updating my web site, catching up on my blog entries, and finishing the Girls Love Magic site and getting it ready for launch. The first video for that has been shot and Geoff is working on editing it. It is so nice to have an in-house IT and technology expert. He is also converting one of our rooms into a green screen studio for me. So much to do, but at least it is so much fun to do!
By the way, the title of this entry is a holiday reference that is related to a magician’s top hat, and its rabbit. Figured it out? If not, scroll down for the answer.
The magician known as Professor Hinkle famously says “Busy, busy, busy” in the 1969 Rankin/Bass holiday special Frosty the Snowman. Frosty comes to life after a magician’s top hat is placed on his head. One of the characters is the rabbit that came out of the hat.