One of the more unusual things I got involved with recently is a Sideshow Museum in Uranus, Missouri. In our book, The Greatest Adventure, now available on Amazon, we talk about our time working with the Jack Waller Sideshow. The museum was putting together an exhibit and saw the photos we had of the Waller Sideshow and reached out to us. They had been looking for photos of Jack and had been unsuccessful. They contacted us and asked if they could use some of our pictures, so we sent them along.
Jack Waller was quite the character, and Geoff has some great stories about him and his show in the book. We have the pictures for the book online on this site, and our carnival photos begin here. These photos also include my comments about them.
Jack started out in partnership with famed showman Bobbie Reynolds. While our book is one of the few references on Jack Waller (with some great stories about the Blade Box), there is a book about Bobbie Reynolds available on Amazon. Bobbie was also quite the character.
Uranus is not a one horse town, but more of a one joke town, which I will not repeat on this family friendly blog. Uranus is actually not a town, but rather one of the many wacky tourist attractions along Route 66. There are about 10 businesses in Uranus, all owned by the same guy who has declared himself the Mayor of Uranus. They have a population of 25.
If you visit the Sideshow Museum and make it out of Uranus, let us know what you think.